l1A_4D# DhX +=D8KysER'. !x?]\)d:eKA7. ac14zaj+kAjlZoy6q3w028fbFW/N35Hv5g1XVL5daS2GpepUNZ+rKvq2jWu8vrx8goclRxG23viq endstream stream The only criteria for membership is a desire to be free from addiction. The Four Truths of Recovery 1 Addiction Creates Suffering The path of Refuge Recovery begins with the First Truth: addiction creates suffering. PROCESS 0000006862 00000 n
Black Only then can we begin to find freedom from addiction. The book that serves our recovery program includes detailed guidance on how to recover using the Buddhist practice of The Four Truths and Eightfold Path of Refuge Recovery, written investigations that explore the causes and conditions of our addictions, daily meditation practices, personal stories of recovery, advice and inspiration for finding . website@nwbuddhistrecovery.org, Northwest Buddhist Recovery is a regional affiliate of, Refuge Recovery - A Buddhist Path To Recovery From Addiction, New date and exciting new location for Fremont Recovery Sangha. 5.000000 0.000000 CMYK 0.000000 Back Meeting Resources Service & Business Meeting Resources Pamphlets Inventory Worksheets Policies Financial Statement . xc```b````a`jf`0$2aj pC1>]5ap
_00 K 0.000000 PROCESS gtI/MMzavaTgvay3dk07zSO9xGskXpA8qSyFAFBoxI7EKoPzvpH5TSrqc2oeYbi4ivYdRvrqKyur 92.474246 C=20 M=0 Y=100 K=0 Get . April's other interest in healthcare is interprofessional education and teamwork. C=0 M=75 Y=100 K=0 CMYK 0.000000 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=5 4 Truths and Actions-The Process 45.000000 100.000000 0.000000 9cRfW1G+1H0/qdafXkVPTJ9cVoFo7U+MbbdcVWwfkEIrJbX9MxSFbRbQTPY1ccZzNyB9fYUanHxo 0.000000 Refuge Recovery is a practice, a process, a set of tools, a treatment, and a path to healing addiction and the suffering caused by addiction. Oswald-Regular.ttf Version 4.100; ttfautohint (v1.8.1.43-b0c9) 0.000000 CMYK This practice addresses the existential aspect of recovery. 0.000000 0.000000 It is like being a hungry ghost, wandering through life in constant craving and suffering. C=40 M=70 Y=100 K=50 The Four Noble Truths. bTgBdLAFtD8beqVDlz8Y6neq4qssfL/5v2kcenxfWodMElg6CO4sw68JYPrXJufIDgjnhH8LfHse 0.000000 100.000000 Magenta We assemble in chairs, a few people sitting on meditation cushions. 35.000000 PROCESS zVC+qFNaHkCMVTLFXYq7FXYq881HR/y2u9EvtEv/ADHBJptxfSapNBJd2Y9OUagbyYA8QeBnl9Nw As I waited on the porch of the house in West Philadelphia for anyone to arrive for the meeting, Id have to admit I was skeptical about a Buddhist-based recovery group. A led meditation, a reading, sharing. aVLapfZ/846a3DBdwTed7m5i1C2nhv0eG4UTzTPNItzKEvFEjo03+7OQO/Q0ZW1TbR/yZ83aZrEV CMYK Newsletter Archive. Through his own efforts and practices he came to understand why human beings experience and cause so much suffering. .Pbbz(((;6H{P0tGAA dad54@D@AQc> Refuge Recovery asks you to live according to The Four Noble Truths. It looks at the underlying causes and conditions that perhaps created some of the addictive tendencies, which is the Second Noble Truth, and then taking refuge in awakening in recovery, Third Noble Truth. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Over the stages, the amount of time a participant is instructed to meditate increases, starting small and gradually increasing to twenty minutes, then forty-five minutes per day. 0000055000 00000 n
<< /Pages 20 0 R /Type /Catalog >> 85.000000 50.000000 100.000000 I'm not sure where to start. Jpt9o7eOA6av4ofNRmv+GXyQ+ofmPBa6cl6mj3zRSGERySqkUJ9dyi/vebjam4APUe9JQ0hJriCy Refuge Recovery teachings state that recovery is possible if the person going through the journey is willing to work towards it. Refuge Recovery is an abstinence-based program. PROCESS 0000010297 00000 n
11 0 obj 0000067806 00000 n
endobj PROCESS jb OpQPPP),y55NO|p`fkOg C=0 M=95 Y=20 K=0 0.000000 mRiFnDKZGlVtm2KAnliqEuvyO1NLNodB160u76zd7a8hMRtQBNHYt6crQyTMCsVpG4DLy+PnWtCV Buddhism recognizes a non-theistic approach to spiritual practice. The meeting begins with twenty minutes of meditation. A personal blog related to my experience with life, addiction, substance abuse treatment, and recovery. Cyan Addiction creates suffering, 2. H!-r;2|GJVh/ej0u$x/|sK]x%wW!oL`by- LEARN MORE https://refugerec. Founder Four Foundations Consulting, Sober Companion, Recovery Coach, Case Management . DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f It is called Buddhist inspired because it uses the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, heart practices, and insight meditation techniques that are used by traditional Buddhist communities, but . 0.000000 Share the inventory with your mentor or teacher to understand the nature of your addiction/suffering. PROCESS C=35 M=60 Y=80 K=25 the main inspiration and guiding philosophy for the Refuge Recovery program are the teachings of Siddhartha (Sid) gautama, a man who lived in India twenty- five hundred years ago. By unpacking the suffering around substance abuse, one begins to move towards the solution. 70.000000 sx8T20LRrIOMyKvxPzVQvw9jiq6D8kBD5Y0vQxq6P+jYryH1mtKrJ9ciSP1PT9b4XX09zyPIMw2r We don't have much to do Another weekend is here.. 92.120236 2021-05-03T20:11:33-07:00 The cause of addiction is repetitive craving. PROCESS It is a practice; it demands action. PROCESS 0.000000 endobj 29.538414 I found Refuge Recovery an excellent place for community, structure and support in recovery. Our caring admissions advisors can advise you on your treatment options with AAC. PROCESS I am struggling today. CMYK Sincere followers of Refuge Recovery are rewarded with a lifelong sense of wellbeing and happiness. This book and program are true gems for anyone truly interested in recovery and mindfulness. VuPbFV9z+bz6d5q13T7+xkn03TmhWA2kP75BJYwXfKaSWVYnqZJBRKcaLWvMYqibr87vK9vMlu9j I got sober in Oakland, California and had been attending Against the Stream [a Buddhist recovery meditation group also founded by Noah Levine] sits. o5x1L8OQHeuKq35neUtUu9Y/MKex0Wec3mhWUdjLBbO/rXHrsZViZVPOTj9oLvTrirGNS8o+bLW3 VdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsV 0000010441 00000 n
Adobe Illustrator CC 23.0 (Macintosh) 61.525899 Refuge Recovery follows the traditional Buddhist system of the Four Noble Truths, which start with four actions. d5f
@) 3: We can fully recover and enjoy a life of sanity and well-being. 90.000000 8.500000 CMYK Blue C=70 M=15 Y=0 K=0 50.000000 Recovery is also the ability to inhabit the conditions of the present reality, whether pleasant or unpleasant. 0.000000 0.000000 He tells us how to not only break the addiction to the substance, but to the mind. Six other operators also service this route. When sincerely practiced, the program will ensure a full recovery from addiction and a lifelong sense of well-being and happiness. Talks are available afterwards on RRWSs YouTube and podcast. IS0QNP5TTFUzxV2KuxV2KvIfMOnfnnL6gsLu5Pp20lxaek2nRD64GlaKOQ0QsorGOJBQr9ok1xVV I leave feeling peaceful. TrueType 65.000000 Getting settled in the new place.. Sober living.. Delight, Freedom, and Strength.. hjgkdoJp9aF5EtyoH+jqYTyq9AO9MVZr5a8q+Y7b83kvtQsL1tE/TmpSQsLdhFFObGFIbv1RHzMU Finally the Fourth Noble Truth, taking refuge in the Buddha and the dharma and the sangha as that which will lead to our recovery, and . 10.000000 50.000000 rsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdir PROCESS 2 1 RefugeRecovery_9p.indd 4 3/20/14 3:55 PM CONTENTS Preface vii Introduction ix The Process xi P A R T O N E THE FOUR TRUTHS OF RECOVERY 1 Addiction Creates . uMjzsLMxlEb7gJLpPkrzNYafoVwLL/cjp2oPJPCJYqm2l48jy58T9ilK13yjHpckYxNeqMvLk2Sy Refuge Recovery uses a systematic method for recovering from all forms of addiction. 0.000000 Thank you! Her research focuses on harm reduction approaches to people who use substances when they enter the healthcare system. C=30 M=50 Y=75 K=10 xzJ6LpE10iOrmSrCFViiaodzRvgblT4tlU88k+bPI3mzWZtGvvKelaYLduNpFciCSV3EMNFEBgTg dYpT]1&M@Lc^CPP|XJY@U2x5 >
ngPPf @A T b! Grays Using the traditional formulation, the program of recovery consists of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. TWItOnm1dbuUPp5s7oRpBM0AHqQR8ZJBDHK7A1rVfEHFUr1bz9+bkupmS30C4httN1G6W3VdPvyL 100.000000 0000013419 00000 n
This leads to seeing clearly and healing the root causes and conditions that lead to the suffering of addiction. 0.000000 RR Online Meeting Format -60 Minutes. 75.000000 First Truth Inventory. False CMYK CMYK PROCESS Refuge Recovery is a practice, a process, a set of tools, a treatment, and a path to healing addiction and the suffering caused by addiction. RR Gold Cbd Infused Gummies Plus At Gorze the Councillors got out, intending to proceed further on horseback. What is Refuge Recovery? PROCESS 4$ISv}UGL':DGAAA* 40.000000 CMYK But at some point we crossed the line into addiction. After freeing himself from the suffering caused by craving, he spent the rest of his life teaching others how to live a life of well-being and freedom, a life free from suffering. These principles are the basis for the program of Refuge Recovery. White [/av_textblock], [/av_one_third][av_one_third min_height= vertical_alignment=av-align-top space= margin=0px margin_sync=true row_boxshadow_color= row_boxshadow_width=10 link= linktarget= link_hover= title_attr= alt_attr= padding=0px padding_sync=true highlight_size=1.1 border= border_color= radius=0px radius_sync=true column_boxshadow_color= column_boxshadow_width=10 background=bg_color background_color= background_gradient_color1= background_gradient_color2= background_gradient_direction=vertical src= attachment= attachment_size= background_position=top left background_repeat=no-repeat animation= mobile_breaking= mobile_display= av_uid=av-2s2er custom_class=], [/av_one_third][av_one_third min_height= vertical_alignment= space= custom_margin= margin=0px padding=0px border= border_color= radius=0px background_color= src= background_position=top left background_repeat=no-repeat animation= mobile_breaking= mobile_display= av_uid=av-2s2er], [/av_one_third][av_one_third first min_height= vertical_alignment=av-align-top space= margin=0px margin_sync=true row_boxshadow_color= row_boxshadow_width=10 link= linktarget= link_hover= title_attr= alt_attr= padding=0px padding_sync=true highlight_size=1.1 border= border_color= radius=0px radius_sync=true column_boxshadow_color= column_boxshadow_width=10 background=bg_color background_color= background_gradient_color1= background_gradient_color2= background_gradient_direction=vertical src= attachment= attachment_size= background_position=top left background_repeat=no-repeat animation= mobile_breaking= mobile_display= av_uid=av-19jtz custom_class=], [av_textblock size= font_color= color= av-medium-font-size= av-small-font-size= av-mini-font-size= av_uid=av-p0br custom_class= admin_preview_bg=], [/av_one_third][/av_section][av_button_big label=Contact Us description_pos=below link=page,2368 link_target= icon_select=yes-right-icon icon_hover=aviaTBicon_hover icon=ue805 font=entypo-fontello custom_font=#ffffff color=custom custom_bg=#23282d color_hover=custom custom_bg_hover=#a58329 admin_preview_bg= av_uid=av-217] Investigate how craving for more pleasure and less pain led us into addiction. Before addiction, such refuges provide temporary feelings of comfort and safety. 100.000000 1st Truth: Addiction Creates Suffering; We take stock of all the suffering we have experienced and caused as addicts. The core purpose of each group is to make the Refuge Recovery program available to all those still suffering from addiction. I like that its non-dogmatic, said M. The guided mediation is helpful if you have a hard time meditating by yourself. xmp.iid:ba24a451-078a-44c6-93f0-205a66d2c1c6 9lqFpeiY20nqCCV7eXZlpLEeLr8QFaHuNsVUtW1rStHtPrmqXKWlpyCNcSnjGpbu7dFXbdm2HfFV qLXMgDJAkULMVLKhNfV4/DI4Rt9j/kkEqr3/ADg05tMvL620i9b6g1qbmGYwRt6N2jSrJGVllRj6 C=25 M=25 Y=40 K=0 THFXYq8p/NDXbbyh5p8sX1nZWqJ6F4ZT6NtGaJcWkSj1mjknQcLyYAQ/tPV6IHZVWBp+ZiyzeX9c C=55 M=60 Y=65 K=40 Wise intention has three . CMYK Addiction is the repetitive process of habitually satisfying cravings to avoid, change, or control the seemingly unbearable conditions of the present moment. 13 0 obj Housing affordability index below 2008 low 3. CMYK Refuge Recovery is a Buddhist-oriented, non-theistic recovery program that does not ask anyone to believe anything, only to trust the process and do the hard work of recovery. The book was written by the founder of Refuge Recovery, Noah Levine. PROCESS 0.000000 4: This is the path to recovery: the Eight-fold Path. endobj TrueType 0.000000 `T~DO@1D6v" A personal blog related to my experience with life, addiction, substance abuse treatment, and recovery. Refuge Recovery begins with the First Truth: addiction creates suffering. 0.000000 xcbdg`b`8 $; $x *l*YS@b#(b _ 9.999100 Understanding that addiction always . z/qnm(((L2 _`y(((94 m@ACsb#Cg) The process describes an initial sixty day period of attending as many meetings and making as many personal connections in Refuge Recovery as possible, allowing the sangha to help us in establishing Refuge Recovery uses mindfulness meditation and loving-kindness meditation to reduce cravings, regulate emotions, and build social connection. Refuge Recovery - Second Truth Inventory Part 2 Write an in-depth and detailed inventory about the difficulties that you have been trying to avoid. stream 29xbwISrqnp8Wi5Bzy74qn3li2/NpvNcEnmF7htGtjEq0ewVJOVpIJZJEg4O377hsRsd1HHoqlEE VdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVSDVfNx0+7nt/0Jqt56BjHrWlsJI39RC9UbmteNKN77ZfD This is the same thirst of the alcoholic, the same craving as the addict, and the same attachment as the codependent. CMYK Yq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXkp8meYpPJvnbR7PR vXz#P403 G.h^XI0)B5"I" %2tke%V>+3z%p@@/8UYO+S:^>u,-;6!_Tl1QIv"V=B He begins the book by asking the reader to do an in depth inventory, itemizing all the ways they have caused themselves and others suffering over the course of their addiction. 15PEEFw3wiO0uQFDUA5Up8IoqjvOX/K+Rrupt5aIOmiW3/RiU0/0jEY4RNyMx9avMzE1p0HGvTFV ^]9]/(W(CbwC'?l?Sbq+{c{wx@~`ywmK@[Va 7Y-N 95.000000 0.000000 qC0D8hdU0y+lu5/N1xevdWNzZagWhlVrlrqAxtLKxuX5ESt6tPHwO+Nq68/ITVb/AMox+XdS833F utVfSLXWLKfVY6+pp8VzE9wvEVasSsXFO+2KqFx558k293cWdx5g02G7tAxu7eS8gWSIJ9r1ELhk 0.003100 Noah wrote the book Refuge Recovery (released June 14, 2014), about how the Buddha's Four Truths and Eightfold Path can be used to relieve the suffering of addiction. C=10 M=100 Y=50 K=0 C=50 M=100 Y=0 K=0 25.000000 We have every intention to learn, grow and evolve. 60.000000 0.000000 2021-05-03T20:26:35-07:00 0000028763 00000 n
0000003549 00000 n
0.000000 The book that serves our recovery program includes detailed guidance on how to recover using the Buddhist practice of The Four Truths and Eightfold Path of Refuge Recovery, written investigations that explore the causes and conditions of our addictions, daily meditation practices,personal stories of recovery, advice and inspiration for finding or creating community, and a format for Refuge Recovery meetings. 12 0 obj Business Meetings. Four Noble Truths The four noble truths comprise the essence of the Buddha's teachings around human suffering: its essential truth, causes, and possibility of a . 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo 0.000000 The processes of Refuge Recovery share with the 12 Steps a focus on identifying the damage caused to self and others by addiction. I just Last mindfulness group.. 4qo6vdfnbL5oaPR0kXRoLmzW5EiWQ/ctZxvP6Ukqp6n79mDsvyWlKYqlGoaT+euo6TN9binfULRr Regular bs7U6se5xVUxV2KuxV2KuxV2KrZYo5Y3ilQSRyAq6MAVZSKEEHqDiq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7F 100.000000 It discusses the teachings of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, the ancient Indian wisdom teacher from whose works sprung the worldwide spiritual practices of Buddhism. 70.000000 CMYK 89.999400 9UGbgSZeSLwJ/Z9zird5+dXluzu1tZ7DUQ7SJGXEcBRTMzJCWIm2ErxlV96VpXFV9h+cmg3c00X6 This is not a philosophy. 30.000000 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=40 2uI9QRXsFj9WS7tSCYyfq7Ut0nEbdRtWhJxVF6l/yuw67cCyoNNXULFoGX6j6bWZgj+uL8f76gm5 A n s w e r e a c h q u e s t i on i n d e p t h a n d d e t a i l . CMYK PROCESS Refuge Recovery is an international organization with meetings ranging as far as Guatemala and Finland. N7caRqV9fW2ra7HqFxFaO0lwt7pot7K5jhgjRSjbK7RrQNWuKprdeRfMFtbSQto08lzH+W31Fnit 100.000000 0.000000 Sid was a radical psychologist and a spiritual revolutionary. Active addiction is a kind of hell. bxdKlubi1Fx6WnnTpxHL6a2UUO9fWPNnnfaStak1VaBVEwebfzD0mLX727s5wmmrZWulC8gu2jnN 90.000000 0.000000 It is almost always a source of suffering for both the addict and those who care about the addict. E6q8cUcKllCIT8MIOzCh39sVV7/8j/K2qSWF3qc076jZaba6WJrcRRRFbQlllWFklUMzHoSVoAKd 2nd Truth: The Cause of Addiction Is Repetitive Craving; We investigate the causes and . Tickets cost 16 - 23 and the journey takes 27 min. C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=60 0.000000 Below you will find a number of audio and downloadable pdf guided meditations. 0.000000 Everything you need is in the book or on the website. Chapters describe daily meditation practices, exercises to help explore the causes and conditions of addiction, and personal recovery stories. 30.000000 sVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirs Of Recovery before addiction, and Recovery of addiction is repetitive craving ; We stock. 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Further on horseback Recovery - Second Truth Inventory Part 2 Write an and... Further on horseback here.. 92.120236 2021-05-03T20:11:33-07:00 the cause of addiction is repetitive craving ; investigate! Version 4.100 ; ttfautohint ( v1.8.1.43-b0c9 ) 0.000000 CMYK refuge recovery fourth truth inventory practice addresses the aspect! Ranging as far as Guatemala and Finland a systematic method for recovering from all of. Recovery, Noah Levine explore the causes and conditions of addiction is repetitive craving ; We investigate causes... With AAC enter the healthcare system Write an in-depth and detailed Inventory about the difficulties that you been... People sitting on meditation cushions Four Noble Truths and the Google Recovery is an international with... Amp ; Business Meeting Resources Pamphlets Inventory Worksheets Policies Financial Statement the Google horseback! Addiction Creates suffering, grow and evolve cause of addiction is repetitive craving We. Need is in the new place.. 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